Okay, I have to say, Brier Island didn't turn out to be much of a photography excursion. Can you say Fog? Anyway, here's what I managed to get during the small breaks.
Of all the things I was expecting to see on Brier Island, this wasn't one of them. But I need a silhouette for a photo assignment. (I'm taking a course through the New York Institute of Photography).
Canon 5D, EF 24-105 f/4.0L IS USM, f/22 @ 1/40sec, ISO 200.

Western Light
You can see the fog in the background at the base of the lighthouse. There was a very small window to get a few shots. When I was leaving, a family with a young kid came in and he said "Dad, it's so cold here I can't even produce energy!"
Canon 5D, EF 24-105 f/4L IS USM, f/11 @ 1/160sec, ISO 200. 
I think the smartest thing for me to do here is not say anything at all. :o)
Canon 5D, EF 24-105 f/4L IS USM, f/11 @ 1/80sec, ISO 200.