Sunday, September 19, 2010

Westfalias, Trains, and Vespas

Yesterday was so much fun! We had the honor of photographing Korry and Barretts wedding at the Westin Nova Scotian. I'm sure the wedding party felt like they were all over Halifax so I have to give them props for being great sports. We took photos on anything that moved and my heart almost stopped when the train conductor started the train and a big billow of smoke nearly covered the wedding party! Eeek. Trains.....Yeah!

Friday, September 10, 2010

Discovering The Beach

My wife and I did a photo shoot with this little guy and his mother while in PEI. He didn't like the beach much when we first got there but warmed up to it as the shoot went along. He's such a great kid! We loved our time with him and we were sad to say good-bye.