I can't believe it's 2011! Where has the time gone? It was exactly a year ago that I left the military and started chasing this dream to be a photographer. It's been a great year for me and I hope for you too. I'm super excited about 2011 with some great photo shoots in the books. I'm in no hurry to wish this year away but I can't wait to see what another year will do for my business. I love what I do and I'm looking forward to the busy months ahead!
My wife and I just returned from Newfoundland where we enjoyed the holidays with our family. We spent the first few days in complete shock at the thought of my sister not being able to make it home from London, England because of 10cm of snow! She and her fiance slept in the airport and eventually made it home just in time. It wouldn't have been the same without them.
I managed to sneak in a few photos of my brothers family. My Niece Laura turned four on New Years Day and they always have photos done on her birthday. I am excited I was able to be with them this year and take the photos for them.