Sunday, May 3, 2009

Conrad Beach

Rocks at Conrad's Beach.
Canon 5D, EF 24-105 f/4L USM, f/22 @1/6 sec, ISO 200, Circular polarizer and Singh-Ray 2-stop hard-edge grad filter.

Winter Tires
Canon 5D, EF 24-105 f/4L USM, f/16 @ 1/13 sec, ISO 200, Circular polarizer and Singh-Ray 2-stop hard-edge grad filter.

Ice Chunk
Canon 5D, EF 24-105 f/4L USM, f/22 @ 1/8 sec, ISO 200, Circular polarizer and Singh-Ray 2-stop hard-edge grad filter.


  1. Wow...I love your work!!! I think you have a great career ahead of you.
    Take care,
    Barb Scarola
    (a friend of Linday's)

  2. There is so much depth in the "Rocks at Conrads Beach" photo. Would love a copy for my office ;)


  3. Great work Perry! These three photos are my favorite. I think its the peaceful feeling near the water that works for me. Beautiful work! :)
